Container Tab Groups
Container Tab Groups is a Firefox extension that provides Chrome-like tab groups using private and isolated containers. We developed it to become the ultimate tab manager and groups for Firefox.

Container Tab Groups [1] is a Firefox extension that provides Chrome-like tab groups using private and isolated containers. We developed it to become the ultimate tab manager and groups for Firefox.
Featured in gHacks:
Firefox's Container feature is a unique feature of the browser that allows users to separate sites into containers. It is ideal for limiting tracking and may also be used to group sites into categories.
Extensions may improve the core Container functionality. Container Tab Group does so by adding better grouping and management options to the feature, including for the browser's private browsing mode.
The extension is available for downloads at

It is developed as a free and open source WebExtension at GitHub:
The license is the GNU General Public License, version 3.0 or later.
It is code-named "TabArray" at the beginning of the development, so the GitHub repository is named as such.

Let's switch to Firefox
Firefox advantages
- This extension uses Firefox's private and isolated containers technology. Only Firefox and Firefox-based browsers have this.
- Firefox is independent and privacy-centric. Not controlled by an entity like Google.
Tab Group = Container
- Requires no setup before/after installation.
- Isolated cookies/logins for each of tab groups because they are containers.
- Per-window container management.
- Temporary containers and auto-cookie-discarding containers.
- Automatically sorts tabs based on containers.
- Manage tabs based on the domains of websites.
- Provides you with a menu where you can do the following actions:
- List all the tabs for a window.
- Show/hide tabs of a container.
- Create and delete containers as you like.
- Switch windows.
- Enables First-Party Isolate (privacy.firstparty.isolate; FPI) by default. (Configurable.) This means that cookies for different sites, even for a same container, are separated by registrable domain. It also enables natural and flicker-free openings of new windows by websites, unlike simulated FPI by manipulating containers. This is the way Tor Browser is using.
- Allows the user to enable fingerprinting resistance (privacy.resistFingerprinting).
- Per-container overrides of the language and the user agent settings.
Available languages
- English
- 日本語
- Français
- Esperanto
- Español
- Русский
- Deutsch
This project uses Hosted Weblate for translation. You can contribute translations at Hosted Weblate.

Get involved
Discussions are available at GitHub, and if you find a problem, please report it at Gtihub Issues.